10 August 2016

Hello peeps!

Okay so... Where should i start with?

Yea it is, i am back now to blogging. So it’s been 3 year since I last logged on to my blog.  And I am happy to say that I am back. 

I know someone of you (how ever few that may be) may have been wondering whether I am a live or not.  Well the good new is  YES I am alive.

I don’t know what happened, except that I got so lazy.

Well, maybe that’s a little bit of  a lie.  To be honest, I didn’t feel like writing. I felt like I lost my  groove, out of touch with reality., no idea? Any of you have ever felt that way?

I  have to be honest my depression started to loom her ugly head again. Everything started to seem overwhelming from previous relationship, family, and job. I started to question where my life was going  and what is the purpose for everything.  You have probably been there, I am sure this happens to all of us once in a while. For me, however, this is all too familiar and it’s a cycle. And I have to just ride it out, there is no other way around it.

Most of the time i post and its all about me, and its most probably really boring as well. What the heck, it’s not like I have a professional blog right? I can choose to be a little self indulgent? Plus, I figured this would be a good way to get back into blogging again, being brutally honest. After a long absence, I just couldn’t start writing about ‘how to write a killer post’ or ‘ten tips to feel good’ or something like that which I am sure are very worthy topics, but didn’t seem like ideal ones for someone that is on the mend from a bought of depression. But hey i do share some tips, something memorable, idea or may be a true story from people that i've known. 

It was funny though after read through my previous post and its all about me :D

Have you ever taken a break from your blog? Did you find it hard to start again? Do share, as I can so relate right now. And I do need the support.


Thank you for making me feel that I wasn’t someone worth fighting for. Thank you for making me question and doubt every little thing about myself. Thank you for making me second guess my actions. Thank you for making me feel unimportant and a nuisance in your life.

Thank you for letting me down countless times. Thank you for keeping secrets that everyone knew but me. Thank you for constantly lying about who you really are. Thank you for making a big fool out of me.

Thank you for bringing out my worst side.

Thank you for showing me that you can change for the better for someone else but you can’t for me.

Thank you for leaving even if I give you everything I had. Thank you for letting go and reminding me that I was the only one holding on.

Thank you for all the times you made me feel blue. Thank you for making me regret all the years I spent loving you.

Because if you hadn’t done all these things, I wouldn’t realize my worth. I wouldn’t realize that I should finally stop settling for any less than I deserve. I wouldn’t realize that I want to find a love that would never make me feel the same things you did.

And I know I will, eventually. I will find someone who appreciates everything I do. I will find someone who will never take me for granted. I will find someone who will treat me the way I should be treated.

I will find someone who will do everything you wouldn’t.

For now, knowing that is enough. I am enough. I know I am, even if you didn’t.

By Micaela Andres
The Artelier

04 January 2013

Guys have feelings too...

Dear Diary

Believe it or not, they can cry as much as you can. 
They can be in pain and be hurt just as much as you can. 
They have feelings too, we all have feelings. I know it may hard to accept sometimes, but not everything will be their fault. 
If something is your fault, then take responsibility and take it as your own. 
Don't blame him, when he has nothing to do with your careless or stupid actions. 
Don't always expect him to constantly chase after you. 
Once in a while, make him feel special and chase after him when it's needed. You also need to realize that you can't hurt his feelings by saying mean things, because they can be just as sensitive as you are. 
You can't always expect him to reassure you about everything. 
Once in a while, make him feel loved by reassuring him too. 
Girls, guys have feelings too and some of you need to accept and acknowledge it."

02 January 2013


Let's talk about our ex's again today shall we?
Did you realize that when you get dumped by someone you are with in a relationship, they will tend to come running back at you when you are already in a happy and steady relationship with someone else. 
And to think that you've done everything for them but they took you for granted made it more messed up to even for us to think about. Lots of pleading will happen, lots of missed calls on your phone, unreplied messages too because you do not want to reply them and sometimes our ex's will even praise their own selves saying they are better than the ones we are with right now. 
Doesn't that seem and sound SO pathetic and pitiful? 
They did to us things without even thinking what and how we're gonna be feeling afterwards but when they think they want to get back with us again its easy for them to plead for a second, third or even a fourth time chance to reconcile. 
 Dear ex's, stop what you are doing because we are not gonna lick the spit that we spat out before. 
It's disgusting for us people who have moved on to even look at ya'll again. Like an unflushed poop hanging around inside the toilet bowl, that's you oh ex's. 
Wished you can undo what you did before huh? Too bad, there's no such thing as a time travel device or a machine so you all will have to deal with the karma that hit you back. God bless and be blessed everyone! Enjoy your ex'less day ahead. Keeehaaaa! :D

10 December 2012

Hyuna Kim - Change

06 December 2012

ZzZz with your Partner :)

People always think that when you sleep together, there’s always something that is happening in between the sheets and the bed. 

But let me tell you, It’s not always like that. 

The feeling of actually hugging each other until you fall asleep, the warmth of each other’s breath, and the total happiness in the morning when you wake up right beside them. 

Everything may sound so good to be true, but sometimes it takes a lot of responsibility and love to be able to be as wholesome as possible. 

Sleeping with your special someone is one of the most heartwarming experiences you’ll ever have. No nothing, simply hugging and smiling yourself to sleep. ♥♥♥


Forget the guy that doesn't care for you. 
The guy that cheats on you , uses you for sex and denies it. 
The guy that abandons you for his friends and the guy that dumped you because he'was sick of it'. 
Forget the guy that puts you last and the guy that calls you when it's convenient for him. 
Forget the guy that puts you down, that isn't proud of you. 
Forget the guy that won't take no for an answer, and the guy that makes you cry yourself to sleep. 
Forget the guy that gets with other girls, that hurts you unintentionally yet does it time and time again.