10 August 2016

Hello peeps!

Okay so... Where should i start with?

Yea it is, i am back now to blogging. So it’s been 3 year since I last logged on to my blog.  And I am happy to say that I am back. 

I know someone of you (how ever few that may be) may have been wondering whether I am a live or not.  Well the good new is  YES I am alive.

I don’t know what happened, except that I got so lazy.

Well, maybe that’s a little bit of  a lie.  To be honest, I didn’t feel like writing. I felt like I lost my  groove, out of touch with reality., no idea? Any of you have ever felt that way?

I  have to be honest my depression started to loom her ugly head again. Everything started to seem overwhelming from previous relationship, family, and job. I started to question where my life was going  and what is the purpose for everything.  You have probably been there, I am sure this happens to all of us once in a while. For me, however, this is all too familiar and it’s a cycle. And I have to just ride it out, there is no other way around it.

Most of the time i post and its all about me, and its most probably really boring as well. What the heck, it’s not like I have a professional blog right? I can choose to be a little self indulgent? Plus, I figured this would be a good way to get back into blogging again, being brutally honest. After a long absence, I just couldn’t start writing about ‘how to write a killer post’ or ‘ten tips to feel good’ or something like that which I am sure are very worthy topics, but didn’t seem like ideal ones for someone that is on the mend from a bought of depression. But hey i do share some tips, something memorable, idea or may be a true story from people that i've known. 

It was funny though after read through my previous post and its all about me :D

Have you ever taken a break from your blog? Did you find it hard to start again? Do share, as I can so relate right now. And I do need the support.