31 March 2010

right and wrong

good boys never forget your birthday

always remember the flowers on valentine's day and love to recite the words to special songs.

some commit the grave sin of actually trying to sing the words, but thankfully, they are few and far in between.

they buy your romantic dinners, they talk about children
and they save for the future

there is really no good reason why good boys should end up last.... and yet, they do.

luckily, bad boys don't forget anniversaries or flowers, either.

But they are also not so easily swept away by society's ideological precedents
so they do refuse to buy flowers.

they are not satisfied with merely reciting the words to someone else's love song.

they prefer to write their own songs with their own words, amateur though they be.

They do not buy into romantic dinners, they avoid the subject of children as major taboo, and they earn more without a thought for the future.

There is really good reason why bad boys should come in first... and yet, they do.

if it came to a question between right or wrong, i would be hard-pressed to decide which would be which.

for better or worse, bad boys clearly make better boyfriends.

But, as much as i hate to admit it, i think good boys are exciting to live with and a reminder to ourselves that we alone hold the keys to our destinies.

But while such tempestous relationships are great when you are a young,

we cannot imagine keeping up with that kind of adrenaline-laced loving when i am older.

we would want someone steady, predictable and pliable for the long run.

a good boy may never give me multiple orgasms, but at least i will not have to worry about retirement.

But bad boys do not remain bad boys forever, once the rebel within is quelled, they often turn out to be very staid, responsible men.

but still...bad boys make excellent boyfriends!

but don't dump your good chump, yet.