07 March 2010


When I was growing up I don't ever remember my mom or dad actually saying the words "I love you" to me or my brothers and sisters, although I was never in any doubt that they did love me very much. I never heard them say "I love you " to each other during my childhood either but im sure they must have loved each other at some point or they would not have got married.

Their marriage was a rocky one, with us kids spending more time with mom than dad as we were growing up. Because we didn't hear the words I love you, we didn't use them ourselves either, we knew we loved each other and that was enough for us then.

But as you grow older those three little words seem to mean so much and we love to hear them. Sometimes when a child is feeling a bit left out of things, if parents are busy discussing what to do for lunch or dinner, a big hug and a kiss, and three little words, and telling that little child how much you love them is all they need to make them feel wanted, and part of things once again.

I used to think it when my boyfriend would answer my question of do you love me with, "Of course I do, wouldn't be here if I didn't" I know he meant it in a nice way but I would have much rather him say "Yes dear I do love you" it makes it seem more real somehow. We all need to hear that we are loved, it makes us feel good about ourselves, and gives us confidence in ourselves, there are so many people that are alone in the world that would love to have someone to say "I love you" to and yet people that are surrounded by family and friends just cant seem to say it at all.

I brought this subject up and to him and he said, I know.. i used to say it to you all the time... but its a same thing when you say it to me directly and why not you are the one who tells me again that you love me too... i know sometimes we fighting with each other...but it wasn't a punishment or anything to our self...

I'm at the point where im wondering what's going on. I am really trying to be patient, but honestly, i don't know how much longer i can wait.. its starting to make me feel insecure in the relationship because i know i love him, and im not sure if he still feels the same way.

Sweetheart, hope you understand what i am saying here.. i really want to tell you directly but sadly i don't know how to explain it to you and even i tell you would give me the same answer..

long time ago you used to tell me that you love me... but WHY now seems change everything???

sometimes i always tell you that i love you... but i always waiting for you to tell me first that you love me... WHY?

Based on the true stories of my beloved friends.. Hope she will be okay and trying to be more patient.