14 April 2010

Yes, she is the only one for me....

Here the stories begin
Born in 14 april 1963
Her name is Ella Tordido Soronio and she originally came from Bacolod, Philippines
The journey has begin when she had her first step getting in Sandakan

and till the day she met my dad at Tuaran Town...
at first, she never know how to speak Malay...
because she only knew to speak English and Tagalog

Nevertheless, after my mum and dad getting married,
she use to learn to speak Malay..
i still remember my dad told me
But the funny thing is, her tune and voices which is the speaking makes her turn it into weird language that makes my Late Grandma and Dad laugh out loud...

I can only say that my mum is a strong woman

What I remember of my childhood was my mum crying regularly,
always stressed and very short tempered with us.
I used to hate how she would talk to us but I never stopped loving her.
Now I know that was how she expressed her frustration.

My mommy helps me when I'm sick.
My mommy helps me when I'm blue.
My mommy helps me when I'm sad.
Thanks, Mom, for all that you do!
You help me feel so much better.

Thank you Jesus for my mum
In this new millenium
And thank you for the times to come
Thank you mum

Cheers me up when I am glum
Helps with homework (does my sums)
Thank you mum

Cuddled me when I was young
Changed my diaper, cleaned my bum
Thank you mum

She knew how to call on the name of Jesus
For she knew that he'd meet her there
she thank him for health and for strength
Just to run this Christian race
but she never, she never failed
To pray, pray for children
Saying Lord save them by your grace

Happy Birthday mummy!
Love you always

All my love,
