09 April 2010

Best Friend

Losing a best friend is hard. Especially when you know it's your fault.
Pain. Unanswered questions. These are only some of what we face when a friend turns their back on us…
My friends sudden change. I now know that when things get rough, you discover who your friends really are. I miss you.. Yet, I know it will never be the same.

I never thought I'd see this day,
I never thought I'd feel this way,
You...a stranger to me now.
I'm left with emptiness...
I wish I knew how it could be,
That we were once so open and free.
You were like my sister.. yet so much more
we're use dto be best friend
I wish I would have seen what I see now before.
For, I did not and it's too late...
My friend, is now unknown.
And what hurts the most is I now know..
I hope one day I can forgive you, my friend..

Dedicated to my long lost friend,